With more than one billion tourists now traveling the world each year, Eco-Tourism has become a powerful tool for making a genuine difference on our planet.
Nowadays, a number of tools dedicated to Eco-Tourism are available for both, tourists and tourism industry. One of the most popular dates is the Earth Hour, a worldwide activity that takes place on March, every year. Over 180 countries participate each year to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour, as a symbol of their commitment to the planet.
Another important date for Eco-Tourism is the International Earth Day, celebrated on April 22nd. During the month of April, more than 190 countries hold various events in the quest for environmental protection. The tourism industry celebrates the Earth Day with conferences to educate about Eco-Tourism and sustainable development.
This year is becoming a key factor in the evolution of the traditional tourism industry. The United Nations has declared 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. This year will represent a unique opportunity for the Eco-Tourism, as it will contribute to the three pillars of sustainability: economic, social and environmental.
How do we contribute?
Marival Residences Luxury Resort® is deeply committed with Eco-Tourism. We have been certified as a “Gold Level” Green Leader by TripAdvisor for our environment friendly practices. Some of the practices are: energy use control and reduction on a regular basis, recycling programs, energy efficient light bulbs, ecological education for staff and guests, proper waste water treatment and much more.
We also contribute in many other ways. For us, Earth Hour is a common practice and a chance, not only to contribute to our planet; but to also educate guests about eco-practices.
Our beach is also certified with the flying Blue Flag. The Blue Flag is an award for beaches that stand out for their cleanliness, water quality, security, access and eco-sustainability.